Sunday, April 15, 2007


No sooner speech than the fetid air
Twists the ear that returns it
Poisoned to the speaker.

Who watches my every step
Listens for a single word
By which to pervert all others.

Let the ocean be my book,
I a bottle unstoppered
Spilling on sand.

A long grey cloud extends beyond land;
It's end, girt in light
Fears neither men nor their weapons.No sooner speech than the fetid air
Twists the ear that returns it
Poisoned to the speaker.

Who watches my every step
Listens for a single word
By which to pervert all others.

Let the ocean be my book,
I a bottle unstoppered
Spilling on sand.

A long grey cloud extends beyond land;
It's end, girt in light
Fears neither men nor their weapons.

© Dan Goorevitch

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